Thursday, April 12, 2012

Buy BahnCard on-line

How to buy the BahnCard 25 or 50 on line ?

I checked at the cost of BahnCard 25 is $51.50

I have to buy for each family member, don%26#39;t I ?

Any restriction that I should aware of ?


Online order form - in German - https:/…lpframe_bc25.shtml

You submit a digitized photo.

Cost of one 2nd class BahnCard 25 is 53 €.

Cost of another 2nd class card for your partner is 5 €.

Cost of a 2nd class Child [Junged] Bahncard 25 is 10 €. Children under 15 travel for free but must have a ticket.

Seniors over 60 can buy a Bahncard 50 at a 50% discount = 101.50 €.…bahncard25.shtml

Info in English is at -…part_8_saver_fares.shtml


There is following rule for families with at least one child under 18 yrs:

1 parent has to buy the BahnCard 25 for the full price

the other parent and the children can buy the BahnCard 25 for EUR 5,00

As long as your children travel always together with you, it makes only sense to buy a BahnCard 25 for the 15 yrs and older ones. Under 15 yrs old travel for free together with you (but must be listed on the ticket).

If they want to travel alone from time to time you have to buy also a BahnCard 25 for EUR 5,00 for them.

While it is possible to order the normal BahnCard 25 online, this is not the case with the above explained family offer. Here you have to go to the counter. You%26#39;ll need passport size photos to apply. But you%26#39;ll get immediately prilimenary BahnCards 25. The real cards will be shipped a few weeks later to your home address.

%26gt; Any restriction that I should aware of ?

No. Nice thing with the BahnCard is that there are no restrictions.

The BahnCard does only apply for ticket where the DB tariff applies. For short trips this is often not the case, i.e inside the local public transport networks (Verkehrsverbund). Here the BahnCard is mostl y not accepted.


(i.e. not inside one of the coloured (non-dark grey) areas).

On the other side if you buy tickets over 100 km the local public transport in over 100 cities (the bigger ones) is included if you buy a ticket with a BahnCard. This is called %26quot;City-Ticket%26quot;, albeit it%26#39;s only an addition %26quot;+City%26quot; behind the destination name on your ticket.


%26gt; Cost of a 2nd class Child [Junged] Bahncard 25 is 10 €.

This version is for youth where none of the parents has a BahnCard.


Thanks to dough328 and abalada for the information.

In my case, (I am still in Toronto) does it mean that I will not be

able to buy the train ticket on-line right now (if I want to use the bahn card) since I have to buy the family bahncard at the counter in Germany first ?


%26gt;In my case, (I am still in Toronto) does it mean that I will not be

able to buy the train ticket on-line right now (if I want to use the bahn card) since I have to buy the family bahncard at the counter in Germany first ?

I think you cannot combine the BahnCard with a discount ticket (Saving Price). In this case, yes, you cannot buy your ticket in Toronto. But except for the loss of a few minutes at the counter, there won%26#39;t be any disadvantages for you. Your discount with a BahnCard is not restricted to pre-booked trains like with Saving Price.


BahnCard 25 can be combined with SavingFare offers.

BahnCard 50 not.

BahnCard 100 - you won%26#39;t need SavingFare offers with this one.

SavingFare offers are however only availble for return trips. Thus normally not of much use for tourists on a round trip through Germany.

%26gt; able to buy the train ticket on-line right now (if I want to use the bahn card) since I have to buy the family bahncard at the counter in Germany first ?

After checking this closer I must say that while it%26#39;s generally possible to buy BahnCards online, this is not possible in your case anyway.

BahnCards with there validity period of 1 year are directed in first place to locals. Of course for people in Basel or Strasbourg travelling often into Germany a BahnCard makes also sense. Thus DB ships them also to abroad.

Online booking page is for this reason

a) only in German

b) only means of payment: Lastschrift (this is even more restrictive as one needs a German bank account for this form of direct debit)

Can you give some information of your travel plans here. E.g. route and weekday, like Th. Heidelberg - Stuttgart

And %26quot;family members%26quot;: How many? And are any of them %26lt;6y or 6-14y old?

Maybe BahnCard is not the best deal anyway.


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